Staying Sane Working from Home

Working from home is HARD! In this new world order of quarantine life, our entire way of life has changed!

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I am teleworking full-time, like many other people across the nation during this global pandemic!  While I am grateful for my job, trying to balance my health, and interacting with family and friends is ALOT for MOST people. 

While I am not totally new to the concept of working from home (in life before corona- BC lol) I worked from home two days out of the week. I am sharing with you how I stay sane and organized during this transition to working from home full-time! 

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I am a true Sagittarius and that means that I really DO NOT like rules or people telling me what to do. I like to be in control of my time and do whatever I want. We all know life does NOT work like this, so I created a schedule to make sure I stay on task and get things done throughout the day. I extend grace to myself on days where I am not feeling super productive. 

I used my Bossed Up Life Tracker Planner to sketch out my day- see my sample schedule below.. 

(*Tip) I also have a desk that I sit at near the window in my living room. I ONLY use this space when I am at “work”. 

7am-Wake Up, read devotional, post on social media 

8am- Watch news, shower, breakfast (attempt to make coffee in french press)

9am-Log-In for work 

9-10-Review current projects and assess next steps

12 noon-Lunch

1pm- Check-in with co-workers via Teams or Skype

1:30pm-3:30-Work on Special Projects (I have been assigned some projects that I am working on solo)

3:30-4:00- Stretch break, play music, dance and sing along

4:00-5:00pm- Write to-do list for next day

5:15-Change clothes to more a relaxed look to take walk, touch base with family and friends 

7 ish, Dinner

8-10 Blog and School work


(*Tip) Set a log off time for work. It is easy to over work because you may not have evening plans, work life balance is key to your sanity during this time! 

(*Tip) I don’t watch the news in the evening (don’t want to be overloaded with all the press conferences, I look at replays on social media or hear the summary the next morning)

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Do something different– I have joined two book clubs so I try to read each night before bed. 

(Tip*)I also try not to binge watch shows on Netflix and Hulu during the week. I like to save those things for the weekend so I can have something to look forward to! 

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(Picture: How life used to be)


Getting dressed is the MOST important thing of the day. We are still going to work each day whether, in our living room or home office, we are on the clock. For me getting up and getting dressed, putting on a decent outfit for the day helps me tell my mind, I am at work. When you are lounging in your nightgown/robe and haven’t washed your face, you feel like it’s a day off or the weekend. You have to trick your mind into work mode. 

Also, my team is VERY into video calls. You never know when you may be put on the spot to turn on your camera, so you have to STAY READY!

Top Looks for Working from Home
-Tip look for elevated basics; 

  1. Denim button up shirt
  2. Colorful shirt with a sleeve in case you get cold 
  3. Comfy pants, look for a step up from your yoga pants. (I try on my jeans once a week to make sure they still fit) 
  4. Warm socks and houseshoes! I hate when my feet are cold!
  5. A jacket/blazer for days where you may be leading a presentation or call 
  6. Statement necklace or eyeglasses to freshen up your look from day to day

If you want to wear makeup, it’s up to you! I am working to clean up my skin, so I am giving my makeup a rest for the time being! 

During this time of staying home, it can be easy to feel discouraged. Taking time out to put yourself together each day is an investment in your mental and physical health and it will increase your productivity at home! 


What tips do you have for working from home? Share with us below!

Stay healthy, safe and fashionable!




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